Tūhuru Marae - Arahura
On Thursday Ruma Kea are going to visit Tūhuru marae.
Write a paragraph about what you think the day will be like. It can be from the moment you wake up or from the car ride to the marare. What was the weather like on Thursday?
Here are some sentence starters.
When I woke up I had breakfast, got dressed and then took the bus to school. Once I was at school.............
When I got to school I had to hop in a car with a parent and my school friends, it was a long ride to the marare.
Here are some words in Te reo Māori you could use:
· Manahau (Excited)
· Whakamā (Shy)
· Harikoa (Happy)
· Pahi (bus)
· Motokā (Car)
· Awa (river)
· Wharenui (Dining room
We mit touch nocse we might have someone to welcome us at the marie we might go and shake hands we might do lots of attentive at the marie like flakes weaving fishing speaking of fishing we might go to a river we might eat dreck is there we might eat lunch there and we might eat dinner there. At the end the boys might do a haku we might go thow a lot of speeches we might do a hepe of games
We might sing songs there and we might make thing like flakes flower we might read book.