Friday 21 December 2018

facts of new zealand


  1. Hi Liam that is some interesting facts about NZ. I thought Nz looked like it came of Australia and i was right. Maybe you can add some pictures and more detail.
    Good work!

  2. Hi Liam, I'm Hannah from Awahono school. I like your post because your facts about New Zealand and very interesting.I also really like the image of New Zealand that you used as a background for the title. Next time you could add some colour or some images to make your facts stand out. From Hannah

  3. hey liam i really like your facts about nz you should add more facts or some images

  4. Hi Liam, I'm Hannah from Awahono School. I like your post about NZ facts because they are very interesting. I think that next time you could make you writing a bit bigger. I also like how you have put lots of colour in your end slide. From Hannah


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